
Imports and Exports – Import Recordkeeping and Customs Compliance

Imports and Exports – Import Recordkeeping and Customs Compliance, The positive and negative impacts of imports are often disputed. Critics claim that continued reliance on imported goods reduces the demand for domestic products, thereby hobbling entrepreneurship and the development of new business ventures. Proponents, on the other hand, maintain that imports increase the quality of life and help to maintain stable prices by providing consumers with more choice and cheaper goods. This, in turn, helps to keep inflation from running rampant.

Data on international trade

There are several sources for data on imports and exports. The UNCTAD Trade Analysis and Information System (TAIS) provides data for over one hundred and sixty countries. It provides data for international trade flows and tariff rates, as well as other trade indicators and alternative markets. It also provides a directory of importing and exporting companies. The data is updated on a quarterly and yearly basis and cover more than two hundred countries and five thousand products in the Harmonized System.

The USDA’s DataWeb website provides trade and tariff data for the U.S. from 1989 through the present. It also provides monthly, quarterly, and annual trade data for a variety of commodities, including beef, pork, lamb, mutton, poultry, and fish. Each category includes breakdowns by country and includes historical data. In addition to monthly data, the data website also contains annual trade figures and historical trade statistics.

Recordkeeping requirements

Import recordkeeping is an essential part of customs compliance. Customs regulations (known as the 19 C.F.R. Part 163) require that importers maintain records for at least five years. Records must be maintained by the importer, consignee, entry filer, and any other person involved in the importation of merchandise, including those who file drawback claims. To help importers comply with the regulations, the NOAA Fisheries has outlined a few important steps to take.

The first step is to understand the recordkeeping requirements for imports. Importers must maintain records that prove the accuracy and completeness of the information they declare to CBP. The proposed changes will make recordkeeping easier for importers, but they do not reduce importer recordkeeping obligations. Importers should discuss their recordkeeping procedures with their brokers. Insufficient records can result in merchandise recalls, loss of claimed duty exemptions, and unexpected duty assessments.


Import taxes are taxes on goods brought into a country from a foreign country. They are levied by the country’s customs authority, and every country has different rates and criteria. For example, in Australia, import taxes are applied to transactions with a value above de minimis, which is Latin for “about minimal things”.

Another type of tax is excise duty, which is charged along with customs duty. This tax is generally charged on products from a foreign country, and it can be as high as 50 percent. However, some items are exempt from excise duty. Products such as cigarettes and alcohol can be subject to excise duty, and this tax is controlled by the country where the goods are being imported. Nevertheless, these taxes are not always included in the cost of the goods.


In general, a single competent authority is responsible for licensing imports. SISCOMEX is one such authority. The licensing process is free of administrative costs. Importers can request a license directly through SISCOMEX, or they can do so through institutions that are registered for this purpose. However, requests for licences can be refused if the imports do not meet the usual criteria, such as threatening human or animal health, or posing environmental risks.

Generally, non-automatic licenses expire 90 days after issuance. To extend the license, importers must present a request for an extension at least two months before the license expires. Alternatively, the importer can apply to obtain a license after a specified period of time. However, this may not be possible for all imports. To avoid this problem, importers must be aware of the licensing requirements in advance.


You can import and export reports from PFM using the Monitoring Console Web browser. Report definitions are saved as an XML file, and when exported, the file has a hash value that indicates if it has been modified externally. If it has, it cannot be imported. If you are emailing the report definitions, you need to make sure that you attach the file as a zip file before sending them to the destination database.

When exporting custom files, make sure that your target system has the same Report Customization Directory preference as the source system. Otherwise, the import process may fail. If you are using Salesforce as your reporting platform, it is important that you install all the necessary products. The following steps explain how to import reports from Salesforce. Once you have completed the steps to import reports, you can export them. When importing custom reports, be sure to choose the same option on both the target and source systems.

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